Monday, March 7, 2016

Course content Web Designing- Openeyes IT

Course: Web Designing
Duration: 3 Months
Class: 2 hr/day (Theory + Practical)
web design training center in kathmandu/lalitpur
Module 1
Registration Process
  • IP Address
  • Domain Name
  • Hosting
  • Name Server
  • FTP
  • Crosss Browser Compability
Module 2
  • HTML Introduction
  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basic
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Head
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Blocks
  • HTML Layout
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Iframes
  • HTML Colors
  • HTML Colornames
  • HTML Colorvalues
  • HTML JavaScript
  • HTML Entities
  • HTML URL Encode
  • HTML Quick List
  • HTML Summary
Module 3
  • HTML5 Intro
  • HTML5 New Elements
  • HTML5 Canvas
  • HTML5 Drag/Drop
  • HTML5 Geolocation
  • HTML5 Video
  • HTML5 Audio
  • HTML5 Input Types
  • HTML5 Form Elements
  • HTML5 Form Attributes
  • HTML5 Semantic
  • HTML5 Web Storage
  • HTML5 App Cache
  • HTML5 Web Workers
Module 3
  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Basic
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Id & Class
  • CSS How To
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Text
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Links
  • CSS Lists
  • CSS Tables
CSS Box Model
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Border
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Margin

CSS Advanced
  • CSS Grouping/Nesting
  • CSS Dimension
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Positioning
  • CSS Floating
  • CSS Align
  • CSS Pseudo-class
  • CSS Pseudo-element
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Image Gallery
  • CSS Image Opacity
  • CSS Image Sprites
  • CSS Media Types
  • CSS Attr Selectors
  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Borders
  • CSS3 Backgrounds
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Text Effects
  • CSS3 Fonts
  • CSS3 2D Transforms
  • CSS3 3D Transforms
  • CSS3 Transitions
  • CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 Multiple Columns
    • media queries

Module 4
  • Introduction
  • Tools
  • Layout
  • psd to html conversion
Module 5
  • Lightbox
Module 6
  • Social icons
  • Social Links
Module 7
  • SEO Friendly tips
  • Responsive
Module 8
  • Introudction
  • Customize
  • Integration
Module 9
php extension
  • Personnel Blogs
  • College/School Website
  • Normal Website
  • Organization Website
  • News Portal
To whom?
            All Level student
They will have a weekly test
            To manage and design and create the layout of websites
What after course?
  • Able to do projects
  • May join INTERSHIP program
  • They will get a subdomain
  • Requirement Analysis (Field Visit)
Terms & Condition:
  • Laptop is essential
  • Regular present in class
  • And if the course goes out of the schedule due to student then they will be shifted in new class and start to learn from the begining
  • After course their required project must be online (The certificate will be valid in all sector)
  • If they have any confusion about any queries or class then they have to ask clearly
Further more

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