Thursday, March 31, 2016

What after course

web designing service in Open Eyes
web designing service in Open Eyes

What after course?

  • Able to do projects
  • May join INTERSHIP program
  • They will get a subdomain
  • Requirement Analysis (Field Visit)
  • web design,
  • website design,
  • web designing,
  • website design training,
  • web designing training,
  • web designing training in ktm,
  • web designing training in lalitpur,
  • web designing training in Nepal

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to create Good Quality Web Design

How to create Good Quality Web Design
web designing training in open eyes
create quality web design

It can sometimes seem difficult to even think about entering into word of web design.Yet you should not let the world alone discourage you from trying to pursue and endeavors that you can profit from.For all these queries, the web designing company is here in lalitpur. Open eyes IT solution is the web designing training center open in the heart of ktm valley,Lalitpur.It is only the trustworthy center for web designing training in Nepal. so ,don't miss this opportunity to enroll with Open eyes for web designing training.Let walk together to get into the world of web design .

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Areas Of web design

Areas of web design :

               The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization.
web design training
web designing at Open Eyes 

web design,website design,web designing,website design training,web designing training,web designing training in ktm,web designing training in lalitpur,web designing training in Nepal,website design in Nepal,web development, web develop

Monday, March 28, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

services for Web training

There is much more to learn designing a website than just to install software program in computer .And then question arises how to learn it?No worries, open eyes web designing training ,lalitpur is providing the services related to web designing. If you are searching the webdesign training in lalitpur then OPENEYES is the best choice
Web design training in Nepal
web design in lalitpur

Servicecs  for web training 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

about openeyes

Open Eyes IT Solution is an Entrepreneurship for software development and mobile application development. From a normal website to e-commerce,school management system,mobile application,etc we do this all.In IT Sector we Open Eyes IT Solution is an Entrepreneurship for software development and mobile application development. From a normal website to e-commerce,school management system,mobile application,etc we do this all.Openeyes IT Solution is applying entrepreneurial thinking and commercial practices to deliver reliable, innovative and affordable products and services to our customers and grow our core areas while harnessing new technologies that will take our products – and your ideas – into the future. When encouraged to think beyond the ordinary, you’ll be amazed at what you can do! We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Openeyes IT Solution, founded in January 2016, specializes in the website design,development and distribution of software and technologies for Mac OS X, iOS, Windows, and Android, SEO service. Our solutions cover business and personal productivity, desktop publishing, 3D home design.With a large team of developers, designers, QA engineers, and marketers, Openeyes IT Solution works day in and day out on developing beautiful, powerful, and user-friendly apps, as well as making sure that the word gets out to users in need of our solutions. Counting clicks and checking every pixel, we at Openeyes IT Solution strive to provide only the best apps for only the best platforms! Through our apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android, we’re also making design technology accessible to professional designers and amateur designers, homeowners, students, and casual creators — anyone who wants to create and share their ideas with the world.
Openeyes helps you make sense of the message. As the leader in business analytics software and services, Openeyes transforms your data into insights that give you a fresh perspective on your business. You can identify what’s working. Fix what isn’t. And discover new opportunities.We can help you turn large amounts of data into knowledge you can use, and we do it better than anyone. It’s no wonder an overwhelming majority of customers continue to use Openeyes year after year. We believe it’s because we hire great people to create great software and services.

 Website design training in kathmandu || 

Web Designing training in lalitpur ||

 Website Design || 

Web designing

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

about openeyes

Open Eyes IT Solution is a US based software outsourcing and solution provider company. We offer outsourced product development, custom development, IT outsourcing services and with highly focus on qualitative, timely delivery and cost-effective. With a pool of highly skilled software engineers Openeyes offers its clients the value-added solutions, technical skills, accountability and industry knowledge that help to reduce their operating costs, deliver custom applications on time and on budget.Since its establishment, the company has achieved outstanding success in developing and delivering a stream of innovative products, services and solutions in the given field. Working with some of the world leading business, it has earned the reputation as a supplier of the most reliable software solutions.

webdesign training in kathmanduwebsite design training

Friday, March 18, 2016

Reasons to choose open eyes

   Creative ideas
Being creative means taking risks & ignoring doubt and facing fears. It means breaking with routine & doing something different for the sake of doing new thing.
Clean Code
A house is only as strong as its foundation, right? The advantages of clean, semantic HTML are many, yet so many websites suffer from poorly written markup.
Unique Designs
When it comes to website design, our motto is 'form should follow function'. For us, great design means much more than just the exterior beauty.
Creative Team
Web Design is our Speciality! We take pride in our work, so when we build your site it has to not only meet your needs, but our own high quality standards.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

website design training in lalitpur at openeyes

Openeyes IT Solution is an software development house located in center in Kathmandu. It provides website design. Website design contains layout of website, seo friendly, responsive design, effective content, unique keywords,etc. Through the design its easy to obtain the information about any organization, their location, their services and many more. The more important thing is globally we are interconnected with each other in the world.
Further more keywords Website design training in kathmandu || Web Designing training in lalitpur || Website Design .In conclusion it focuses on the website design  

Monday, March 14, 2016

Website Design

Web design is an important part of software development. Web design contains html,css,js,photoshop,bootstrap,etc. Unique design,clean code,creative design,etc are the special features of web design training.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Web Building - Adding Code (JavaScript)

Building a web site from scratch. Adding computer code (JavaScript).

What We Will Do

In this chapter we will:
  • Create some computer code (JavaScript)
  • Add a link to the script in your pages

Create JavaScript

In the demoweb folder, create a new file named script.js.
Put the following code inside the file:


document.getElementById("foot01").innerHTML =
"<p>&copy;  " + new Date().getFullYear() + " W3Schools. All rights reserved.</p>";

Edit the Home Page

In the demoweb folder, edit the file index.html.
Change the content to the following:


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Our Company</title>
  <link href="site.css" rel="stylesheet">


<div id="main">
  <h1>Welcome to Our Company</h1> 
  <h2>Web Site Main Ingredients:</h2>

  <p>Pages (HTML)</p>
  <p>Style Sheets (CSS)</p>
  <p>Computer Code (JavaScript)</p>
  <p>Live Data (Files and Databases)</p>
  <footer id="foot01"></footer>

<script src="script.js"></script>

The page above, is a copy of the page from the previous chapter, with an added footer, and a link to a script.

Edit the About Page

To complete your work, do the same changes in about.html.
1. Add a <footer> element.
2. Include the script.
Change the content to the following:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link href="site.css" rel="stylesheet">


<div id="main">
  <h1>About Us</h1>
  <p>Lorem Ipsum Porem Lorem Ipsum Porem</p>
  <footer id="foot01"></footer>

<script src="script.js"></script>


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Top 18 Web Design Interview Questions

1) Mention what are the main language or platform used for web-design?

The main language used for web-designing are

HTML: Base template
CSS: Styling
JavaScript: Functionality
PHP: Server side scripts

2) Explain how can you set an image as a background on web pages?

To set an image as a background on web page, point the body background to the name of your image you want to set as a background as shown below.


You can also fix the background image, so while using the scroll bar in the browser, it does not move. To do this add the BGPROPERTIES tag as shown below

3) Mention what do you mean by Responsive design on a web page?

Responsive design is an approach to building sites to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience. It focuses on easy navigation of site with a minimum of scrolling, panning and resizing across all devices.

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS, HTML and JS framework used for developing responsive web design

4) Mention what are some bad examples of web design?

Blinking, spinning or flashing images
Black background with white, light or pale text
Black backgrounds with dark text

Busy tiled background images with any color text
Everything Centered
Too many images or Huge images
List of links
Too many headlines or Blinking text

5) Explain what is Information Architecture?

On web page information, architecture is often referred to the structure and navigation of an entire site.

6) Explain how can you align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other? In order to align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other, use the align
statement in your IMG SRC tag.

Also, you can use align=top or you can do align=middle/bottom

7) Explain what is a Dreamweaver Template?

Dreamweaver Templates enables webmasters to define “non-editable” and “editable” regions of a webpage, only in Dreamweaver template the “non-editable” regions can be edited.  Any changes implemented to the Dreamweaver Template will update any HTML pages that use the template.

8) Explain what is the difference between “visibility:hidden” and “display:none”?

They are both style properties

visibility:hidden: This property hides the element, but it still takes up space in the layout
display:none: It eliminates the element completely from the document. It does not take up any space, even though the HTML for it is still in the source code.

9) In CSS when you will use CSS float?

In CSS, you would use CSS float when you want to make an element of your page be pushed to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.

10) Why should a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF instead of

It is preferable to store the image in GIF format if image consists of certain words because JPG
has file compression features which may render the fonts unreadable.

11) Explain how can you integrate CSS file to your webpage?

To integrate CSS file with any number of HTML files, you have to integrate the file after the

12) List out some of the JQuery function used for webpage designing?

Some of the JQuery function used for webpage designing include

Simple slide panel
Simple disappearing effect Chainable transition effect Accordion#1 and Accordion#2
Animated hover effect Entire block clickable Collapsible panels
Image replacement gallery
Styling different link types

13) As a web-designer while declaring “delete” button what would be your color choice?

Make the “Delete” button more prominent by using color like Red, especially when you have to show two button side by side. Red is sign of caution, so that will definitely help the user to draw their attention.

14) Explain how can a developer learn about web design?

Developer can learn about web design by following tips

Visit website like “Smashing Magazine” to get better idea about web design Another website is “ Best Web Gallery” can also be helpful to get insight of quality design and layouts
Try your hands on tools like Adobe Illustrator
Create dynamic website using MySQL and PHP
Learn basic languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP or jQuery

15) Explain why do people clear the screen multiple times when using a calculator?

The older version of calculators have several “cancel” button (C, CE). The CE button will only clear the last entry but does not interrupt with the current computation.  For instance, if you enter 2+1 and then press CE, it would show 0, but the calculator expects a second operand for the addition. (2+ is still there in memory). So to ensure that nothing remains left in memory and to start a new calculation we often see people hitting clear button couple of times. It is not due to a flaw in the calculator’s design.

16) Mention why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?

During beginning of mouse technology, it was found that given the low resolution of the screens in those days, drawing a straight line and a line at a 45 degree angle was easier to do and more recognizable than the straight cursor. Also, the tilted arrow can help the click position easier to calculate because the origin of the cursors bitmap was in the upper left. This saved the mouse tracking subroutine a calculation on every click.

17) Explain what is Grid system?

A grid system is a structure comprising a series of horizontal and vertical lines which intersect and used to arrange content.  It is a way of providing a system that designers can work with the structure and present content. For web design beginners, it is always suggested that they use the pre-made framework for web design as they are relatively easy to use.

18) While writing an error message what all things you need to take into consideration?

You need to take following things in consideration

Don’t use negative words
Clearly mention the error so that the user knows what to correct
Give user a clue or link to solve the error

Put the blame on yourself and not on the user