Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Design Theory and Web Design

The way that people see our designs strongly effects the meaning that they take away from them. The Gestalt Principle examines this phenomena; As such, it’s one of the fundamental principles that each and every web designer should consider when moving through the design process. We’ll also examine how understanding gestalt will improve your own workflow!
Trying to come up with a good and creative design may seem easy for someone who has attended a design school, but for the 90% of web designers out there who never attended any design course or school coming mostly from either development or generally non-design backgrounds. The question still remains… what really defines a good web design? Is it just talent? A person who possesses some kind of “special” eye that knows what works out and what doesn’t? Or is there logic and scientific methodology behind all of this that can guide designers, critics and even clients into coming up with a great design.
This is part of a series of design-theory articles that will guide you through the basic principles of the design process. We’ll be focusing on the most important fundamental ideas that can make great differences in the final design.
Gestalt is a German word meaning "essence or shape of an entity’s complete form", and this single definition may be one of the most important rules of design.
More often than not, designers tend to focus on the web design’s details rather than the overall look. They focus on curved edges, shadows, fonts…etc. all that is good but may not really make any difference if the client doesn’t like the design at first glance, what most people don’t understand is that the brain first sees the overall shape of any design, then starts to focus on and see the details…

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