Friday, April 29, 2016

location of webdesign training in nepal


Ph: +977-01-5520177
Cell: +977-9843617299
Office hour: 7:00AM to 7:00PM

IT Training in NEPAL
IT Training in NEPAL

Thursday, April 28, 2016

course content of web design

web designing in kathmandu
web designing in kathmandu

Course: Web Designing
Duration: 3 Months
Class: 2 hr/day (Theory + Practical)
web design training center in kathmandu/lalitpur
Module 1
Registration Process
  • IP Address
  • Domain Name
  • Hosting
  • Name Server
  • FTP
  • Crosss Browser Compability
Module 2
  • HTML Introduction
  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basic
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Head
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Blocks
  • HTML Layout
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Iframes
  • HTML Colors
  • HTML Colornames
  • HTML Colorvalues
  • HTML JavaScript
  • HTML Entities
  • HTML URL Encode
  • HTML Quick List
  • HTML Summary
Module 3
  • HTML5 Intro
  • HTML5 New Elements
  • HTML5 Canvas
  • HTML5 Drag/Drop
  • HTML5 Geolocation
  • HTML5 Video
  • HTML5 Audio
  • HTML5 Input Types
  • HTML5 Form Elements
  • HTML5 Form Attributes
  • HTML5 Semantic
  • HTML5 Web Storage
  • HTML5 App Cache
  • HTML5 Web Workers
Module 3
  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Basic
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Id & Class
  • CSS How To
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Text
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Links
  • CSS Lists
  • CSS Tables
CSS Box Model
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Border
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Margin

CSS Advanced
  • CSS Grouping/Nesting
  • CSS Dimension
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Positioning
  • CSS Floating
  • CSS Align
  • CSS Pseudo-class
  • CSS Pseudo-element
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Image Gallery
  • CSS Image Opacity
  • CSS Image Sprites
  • CSS Media Types
  • CSS Attr Selectors
  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Borders
  • CSS3 Backgrounds
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Text Effects
  • CSS3 Fonts
  • CSS3 2D Transforms
  • CSS3 3D Transforms
  • CSS3 Transitions
  • CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 Multiple Columns
    • media queries

Module 4
  • Introduction
  • Tools
  • Layout
  • psd to html conversion
Module 5
  • Lightbox
Module 6
  • Social icons
  • Social Links
Module 7
  • SEO Friendly tips
  • Responsive
Module 8
  • Introudction
  • Customize
  • Integration
Module 9
php extension
  • Personnel Blogs
  • College/School Website
  • Normal Website
  • Organization Website
  • News Portal
To whom?
            All Level student
They will have a weekly test
            To manage and design and create the layout of websites
What after course?
  • Able to do projects
  • May join INTERSHIP program
  • They will get a subdomain
  • Requirement Analysis (Field Visit)
Terms & Condition:
  • Laptop is essential
  • Regular present in class
  • And if the course goes out of the schedule due to student then they will be shifted in new class and start to learn from the begining
  • After course their required project must be online (The certificate will be valid in all sector)
  • If they have any confusion about any queries or class then they have to ask clearly
Related links

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How web design course is designed ?

There are distinctive stages while outlining a site page, along these lines, one needs to utilize relating instruments and strategies amid every stage. Planning a layout requires learning of utilizing Photoshop instruments, in this manner Photoshop course is taught at first taken after by HTML and CSS which is crucial to change over PSD to static sites. The course likewise covers addresses on making responsive designs with the utilization of HTML5 and CSS3. In any case, the goal of web outlining instructional class is to consolidate a few inventive thoughts and standard standards alongside granting the learning of devices and programming language.
web design
web design

Web design is truth be told a craft of engaging clients with the utilization of content and illustrations. A site ought to contain different elements that will help its worth as a quality site; variables, for example, transformation, style, usefulness and internet searcher agreeable. These things ought to be precisely intertwined in web outline to create a legitimate, verify and sound configuration. Along these lines, the course is intended to empower understudies to utilize site outlining apparatuses and comprehend the crucial methods in site page planning. The course discloses how to outline formats that draws client consideration with its appearance. Alongside the appearance, the course consolidates every one of the angles that upgrades convenience of the site. The objective behind outlining this course is to instruct members to create and actualize right sort of designs while being aesthetically inventive and imaginative. Besides, the course likewise gives bits of knowledge on site structure that web indexes respects.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Web design is an art associated with presentation of content to be delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web (WWW). Web design is highly essential for any business to click on the online scale. It makes a website look attractive and appealing to the visitors. That is the reason Why You Should Hire Experts to run Website designing training in Nepal:
Web designing training in Nepal
Web designing training in Nepal

Thursday, April 14, 2016

wide range of design and development services

Wide range of design and development services provided with a personal experiences.
web design training
web design training
If you need best web designing training in Nepal open eyes IT solution,lalitpur be the best option.

web designing training in Nepal
web designing training in Nepal

To appreciate your imagination and creativity, Open eyes IT solution frequently organizes web design competition. Participants can express their creativity along with the technical knowledge of tools acquired during the training. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Web design training in Nepal
Web design training in Nepal

Wide range of web design and web development services are provided  by the Open Eyes IT with a personal experiences. Almost all the courses related to web designing are provided by the open eye in a creative ,innovative environment .It is the institute providing service of web designing in lalitpur 
To appreciate your imagination and creativity, Open eyes IT solution frequently organizes web design competition. Participants can express their creativity along with the technical knowledge of tools acquired during the training. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Experience And Interactive Design In Open EYes IT Solution

open eyes it solution
Open Eyes IT Solution
Client comprehension of the substance of a site frequently relies on upon client comprehension of how the site functions. This is a piece of the client experience outline. Client experience is identified with web design, clear guidelines and marking on a site. How well a client sees how they can communicate on a site might likewise rely on upon the intelligent configuration of the site. On the off chance that a client sees the helpfulness of the site, they will probably keep utilizing it. Clients who are talented and knowledgeable with site use might locate a more one of a kind, yet less natural or less easy to understand site interface helpful in any case. In any case, clients with less experience are more averse to see the points of interest or value of a less instinctive site interface. This drives the pattern for a more all inclusive client experience and simple entry to suit however many clients as could reasonably be expected paying little mind to client skill.Much of the client experience plan and intelligent configuration are considered in the client interface outline. 

Progressed intuitive capacities might require modules if not propelled coding dialect aptitudes. Picking regardless of whether to utilize intelligence that requires modules is a basic choice in client experience outline. In the event that the module doesn't come pre-introduced with most programs, there's a danger that the client will have neither the skill or the persistence to introduce a module just to get to the substance. On the off chance that the capacity requires propelled coding dialect abilities, it might be too immoderate in either time or cash to code contrasted with the measure of improvement the capacity will add to the client experience. There's likewise a danger that exceptional intelligence might be contradictory with more seasoned programs or equipment setups. Distributed a capacity that doesn't work dependably is possibly more awful for the client experience than making no endeavor. It relies on upon the intended interest group in the event that it's liable to be required or worth any dangers. 

A study by Longo et presented the build of Human Mental Workload (HMW) in Web  service outline, went for supporting current collaboration plan hones. An analysis has been led utilizing the first Wikipedia and Google web-interfaces, and utilizing two somewhat diverse renditions. Three subjective mental workload appraisal strategies (NASA-TLX, Workload Profile and Subjective Workload Assessment Technique) with a settled evaluations ease of use apparatus (System Usability Scale) have been received. T-tests have been performed to consider the measurable importance of the first and altered pages, as far as workload required by commonplace assignments and saw ease of use. Preparatory results demonstrate that, in one perfect case, additions of convenience compare to decrements of created workload, affirming the negative effect of the basic changes on the interface. In another case, changes are critical as far as ease of use however not as far as created workloads, in this manner bringing up exploration issues and fundamental the significance of Human Mental Workload in Interaction Design

Another examination led by Longo et al. (2012) presented the idea of mental Workload as a guide to improve ease of use estimation. A client study has been composed and executed with regards to human-web association. The point was to explore the relationship between the impression of ease of use of three prevalent sites, and the mental workload forced by an arrangement of run of the mill assignments executed over them. Scores acquired with the System ease of use scale were contrasted with the mental workload scores got from the NASA-TLX and the Workload Profile appraisal methodology. Discoveries propose that impression of ease of use and mental workload are liable to be two non-covering builds, and there is no unmistakable proof of their collaboration. They measure two unique parts of human-framework connection and hence they could be mutually utilized to better depict client experience.

Open Eyes IT Solution ,the experience and interactive website designing training in Nepal provides the  web designing training  in a good environment. 

5 Ways To Maximize Websites For Media Influence

Each little business has a site. Be that as it may, do they completely misuse the conceivable outcomes?

web designing training in ktm
web designing training in ktm
Each business person shows up on the web and uses it for a mix of offers, B2B, B2C, advancement, driving directions, areas, item offerings, available time, and so forth. A lot of good, noteworthy guidance for building sites can be found for little organizations here, here, and in Forbes also.

There's a special reward to the web designing not everybody appreciates: making your site media-accommodating. It might take a couple of hours of association, or all the more, however it's justified, despite all the trouble for a positive anecdote about your coffeehouse, web security firm, auto enumerating administration, coaching gathering, eatery or different business. Publicized, is the thing that you pay for — advertising is the thing that you appeal to God for. The Good Lord helps the individuals who help themselves, and on the off chance that you help columnists, your odds for positive advancement increment exponentially.

For most business visionaries and little organizations, there are Five Basic Rules everybody ought to comply, in some structure, to guarantee your site supports rather than attacks your worth to the media. This implies capacities to get checked on, cited or, in case you're shooting for stars in the external cosmic system, an element on only you. Here are some extremely basic answers for make companions with correspondents through your site.

1. Landing page: You ought to have a connection on the landing page for News, Media or About Us. On the News page, this data ought to incorporate a mix of the accompanying: a portrayal of your firm, About Us; short life stories of your initiative group; the name, email and telephone number of your media representative; public statements (on the off chance that you have them); media arrangements (in the event that you have them). Here's a decent case from a bigger organization, Lowe's.

2.Contact Name: All PR individuals who manage writers ought to be recorded. Try not to stow away. Try not to offer a nonexclusive "fill in this structure and we'll hit you up." This says "We are excessively caught up with, making it impossible to manage you. You're not vital." such a large number of cool, in vogue business visionaries think columnists are glad to hold up and compose their stories on your calendar. A velvet rope works for clubs like Studio 54 and the HR office at Google GOOGL - 0.58%. Not for you. Here are two destinations with News pages that get close. Drinking spree's Rye tempts with a perfect format, names and messages, however no telephone numbers on their contact page. Susie Cakes is likewise really sweet displaying a spotless outline and a few media arrangements, alongside a press contact and name, with an email be that as it may, uh gracious, not a telephone number.

3. Versatile Ready:  About portion of Google pursuits now happen on cell phones. So in the event that you have a site that reviews VH-1s "I Love the 90s," feathered blasts, shell neckbands, Jansport knapsacks and remarks like, "Yo! You ain't all that and a pack of chips," your site won't appear well on cell phones. All things considered, it's the ideal opportunity for an upgrade.

4. Online networking: It would be ideal if you add connections to all your online networking pages. "Little organizations and business people have immediately understood the significance of a social venture – one that maps to how the journalists live and share their stories," says Dave Meizlik of Sage Goddess, a profound way of life organization situated in Los Angeles. "At the point when a business gives connections to Facebook FB - 3.01%, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social stages on its site, it empowers columnists to rapidly and effectively impart substance to their group, consequently developing the range of the brand and making a static site, dynamic. Also, for little organizations and business visionaries, the advantage is unlimited."

Friday, April 1, 2016

web design registration process

Registration Process
  • IP Address
  • Domain Name
  • Hosting
  • Name Server
  • FTP
  • Crosss Browser Compability